ET Spirit Guides

When you awaken to the dimensions of the spirit (4D) you will be allocated a spirit guide/teacher (this sometimes happens before birth into the human 3D world) to aid you through your awakening into this level of consciousness.  The Spirit Guide/Teacher that you are allocated is entirely dependent upon the spirit realm to which you are born, as you awaken more fully, A little like the education system, you would not expect a kindergarten teacher to take you right though to university level, so you may have different guides for each stage of your awakening .
There are many humans on Earth that have Clairvoyance of Spirit, the ability to communicate with the spirits of humans that have passed on Earth.  Many can
speak to the loved ones of Humans that have passed and send messages.
However these Mediums will report communing only with Human and some animal Spirits.  This is due to these mediums descending from the spiritual realms of earth humans, therefore their gifts can only reach through to the human and some animal realms where they can speak to humans who have passed.

Now consider the higher realms, 5D for instance, people who commune on this level are considered to be channels, so imagine communing with other planets in the universe where extraterrestrials reside.  Each ET that passes from each of those planets will enter a spiritual realm of their shared birth, and ET’s with spiritual clairvoyance will see and converse with ET’s from their specific realms.

Imagine again where a group of different Extraterrestrial Spirits on a group of different planets share a communal lifestyle together, including other species in
their physical lives.  Imagine the Spiritual Realm they descend from.  It would be shared.  Different Species, mixed in one spiritual realm.  A Medium or
Clairvoyant or channel would have the ability to commune with all the different spirits of different forms in this realm.
Now we can imagine star-seeds.  There are many star-seeds that are emissaries from different races.  If it comes to pass that these Star-seeds awaken Spiritual
Clairvoyance they will “not” see human spirits.  They will see the spirits of those from the spiritual realm that they are born from.  Extraterrestrial Spirits.
You will awaken to the Spirit Realm you are born from.  Many Star-seeds are of different ET species or ET groups and this will determine what they see and experience.  This is why so many report different experiences.  Some Clairvoyants may rule out others experiences as false because they do not match their own however they are likely mistaken.  If they do not match it is likely because others are experiencing different realms of spirit.  When you awaken into the higher vibrational levels (dimensions) you will experience more races and species, some may feel familiar to you especially if you are not of the earth but in visitation, occupying a human suit to interact with humanity, hidden in plain sight.

Although there are many differences in spiritual realms it seems as though Spirit/Guides and teachers share a basic fundamental pattern in the types of
guides and teachings.  The following is a basic outline to Spirit Guides and their functions:

Star-seeds, understand your mission:
In simple terms, a light-worker is a person who chooses to change the world by raising the vibration of the self and others.  There are many paths to higher
vibration and all of them are viable: it is not the details of how you get there, but the outcome that is of greatest importance.
An important thing to understand about this is that, like any parable, it offers a framework to help you understand the mission and what is going on, using
language and pictures that you are familiar with.
We do not presume to speak unequivocally for all light-workers: we merely wish to create some structure that will help people understand the new world they
find themselves living in, and importantly, the things they are experiencing in their lives.  We also emphasize that as the ‘creator’, you have choice about which
path draws you.

Understanding common terms helps us surge forward as a collective group.
When we have definitions and a vocabulary, we waste less time explaining ourselves, and the semantics of terminology, and more time talking about what
really matters to us all – the issues that have brought us together as a collective.
As you’ll learn about the morphic field below, having a unified thought structure enables us to form a stronger and more united presence in the global
energetic field as well – basically reading and understanding the framework allows you to connect via the molphic field to others who have done the same.
In this manner we will also draw or manifest each other into our real day-to-day lives, creating a common energetic understanding and therefore, energetic
resonance and bond.  You will also discover that raising your own vibration is within your control and that your influence goes beyond yourself.

Light-workers and light-beings are collective terms for the group of souls that have incarnated on earth during this time to help the planet transition onto a new
level of awareness and into a new reality.
In a nutshell we’re here to focus on improving ourselves and being the best people and souls we can be, taking active and intentional steps to shift our own
energy and the energy of those we come into contact with.
Over time our energies will and are combining, certainly on the 5D Earth, to create a grid of positive energy that changes the worldwide holographic field, shifting humanity to a higher consciousness, and enabling us to apply our collective knowledge to creating a better life for all the people of the world.
It is important to clarify that light-work is not about religion.  While there are aspects of religious concepts discussed (such as Christ
Consciousness, God and other terms they are purely used as constructs as they are ‘understood/misunderstood’ throughout humanity), the concept that light-work involves faith beyond religious choice.  In fact, part of the growth of a light-worker includes accepting that others can have a different belief system, because it is not the details of faith that matter, but instead the outcome of higher vibration stimulated by the faith or belief or experience.
Soul aspects
Light-workers can identify themselves as light-warriors, star-seeds, star-beings, Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, ETs, earth angels, human angels, empaths, healers
and more.  While in some rare cases you have Pleiadians, Sirians or other ETs that have incarnated here or entered a human body to help specifically, in many cases these terms actually refer to the soul aspects that are waking up inside you, offering you guidance and understanding.
Your soul can be made up of a composite of soul aspects or pieces.  The more soul aspects making up your soul, the stronger it will be.  According to Pleiadian teachings, a Christed soul/God or Source, which is the highest level of consciousness within our cosmos, is comprised of 144,000 soul aspects in reality it is the culmination of all soul energy in the universe.  So the term ‘Christ’ is actually a title, and if you reach that level of enlightenment ‘Christ’ will be added to your name.  The idea of a Christed soul actually stems from how souls were created at the very dawn of creation, around the time of the Elohim.
In our joy and rapture of separating and then joining again in tantric union, one event of tantric union saw 144,000 souls merge in spontaneous tantric union,
creating the Sonship or the Christed soul.  In a nutshell, you could say that 144,000 souls collectively are God as we think of God, while another 144,000
souls make up the Sonship.  The Sonship souls are the ones that get to incarnate on earth and other physical dimensions in creation.  Each soul can further split into 144,000 pieces and those pieces can further split into 144,000 pieces, enabling you to have multiple incarnations across multiple dimensions and realities, at the same time. 144 is also the number of facets in the crystalline structure of the evolved ascended human form where low level carbon has ascended to crystalline,
Unlike mainstream religion, which would have you worshiping Jesus or a specific deity, the goal of light-workers is to BECOME like Jesus or Buddha: a
being operating at a higher level of consciousness.
As you go along your path and grow your consciousness, the surges of information coming through are actually from soul aspects you’ve brought with you from
higher dimensions to help you (and us all) through this time.  These souls aspects may be from lives you’ve already lived or lives that you will live in the
future, because time is only linear and contiguous inside the realm of physical creation.

The Holographic Field:
The main reason for this entire waking up of soul aspects is the holographic or morphic field.
When kinesiology was first discovered a few decades back, it was really a growth surge for those of us in the spiritual and energy healing fields, because it
was the first scientifically replicable energy healing technique and modality.
This meant that it gained mainstream awareness and impact, mainly through sports science medicine.
In 1994, Sir David Hawkins released his pivotal book, Power vs. Force.
Focused on the development of higher consciousness, the book encapsulated 20 years’ of study into kinesiology and laid out the findings uncovered over that
time.  One of the key replicable and scientifically recognized findings was the existence of the morphic or holographic field.
Sir David was not the only person to discuss these ideas though: Ervin Laszlo wrote about Quantum Consciousness and the Akashic field, Barbara Hubbard
wrote about Conscious Evolution, and Andrew Cohen wrote about Evolutionary Enlightenment.  All of them share similar concepts: that humanity is capable of
enhancing our level of consciousness and we have direct influence on our progress.
In a nutshell, the morphic field is like the Internet of all knowledge, and our minds are like devices that can plug into this field and extract energy and
information.  Any energy and information we have inside us also filters into this field, and that’s how we create the world around us through our energy – it just flows into the morphic field.
You’ve experienced the field firsthand if you’ve walked into a place that changed your mood immediately: your energy was overwhelmed by the morphic resonance of the environment you stepped into, and you took on the mood of the environment.  Like Dorothy arriving in Oz, suddenly everything
had colour.  As you clear each layer of information and energy inside you, you raise your system’s vibration to a level where more advanced soul aspects can begin operating and engaging with you on a conscious level.  As each of these higher aspects wakes up, you experience a broader range of knowledge than you previously could extract from the molphic field.  That’s why you feel smarter after you shift, release and heal – the amount of information available to you has literally grown.  You are smarter and you also see more. (the higher you climb the wider the view of the world becomes).

Are you still with me? This is where it gets trickier. . .
The Age of Aquarius is expanding the amount of information available in the morphic field, so some of the soul aspects that are waking up inside you now
are actually allowing you to THINK certain pieces of information on earth for the first time. (you have graduated from kindergarten to junior school and you have the graduation certificate to prove it).  This is why so many of the thoughts that have been coming to you lately are so unusual and new – they are literally being thought on earth FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME.
If it had to happen on a level that you could see, it would be like waking up one morning to find out there are five new colours and fifteen new shades or
variations in every existing colour.  All the scales of understanding of information on earth are expanding in this way.
In more day-to-day terms, where we once had physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects (PEMS), we now have cosmic as well (PEMSC).  We’ve seen
such growth before in human evolution, when the elemental scale went from earth, water, wood, metal and fire (only what could be directly experienced), to
becoming earth, water, air and fire.
Air replaced wood and metal because the enhancement of knowledge in the morphic field allowed the abstract concept of air to become tangible in the
human experience.  So as each of the front runners of thought becomes aware (has an awareness) of these new thoughts, they anchour it further into the morphic field, making it even easier for others to think.  Over time, as enough people incorporate new concepts, it becomes a normative level of thinking and the whole of society can accept it, (at some level even if not fully) – and it only takes a limited few of us to kick start that process.
Kinesiology has an explanation for how this works: people who have achieved a higher level of consciousness counterbalance as many as 70-million people who
are at lower ends of the scale.  If you are only midway up the Human Consciousness Scale, the thoughts and energy you put out are still compensating for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. (one rain drop raises the level of the ocean)  It grows exponentially as you rise up the scale.
Over the long term, what this will mean for humanity as a whole is that the stuff we previously thought of as rare and out of reach will become much more
commonplace, including psychic, telepathic and intuitive abilities, healing, miracles and more.
On top of that there will be a whole new level of advanced spiritual information, cosmic or PEMSC. . . this is what we’re here to usher in: the new thinking that
will change the world.
Through our combined and cumulative personal growth we will create a network and web of positive energy that adjusts the morphic field of the planet
in favour of light.  So there’s no separating your personal journey from the light-worker mission – your soul growth is the biggest part of the light-worker mission.  It really is quite beautiful: by healing yourself, you heal the world.  For many people who strongly identify as being from another planet or race,
you’ll find they brought a number of soul aspects with them from that plane or have formed a habit of working through that aspect of their soul.
If you are more flexible and allow it to flow, you can actually experience the range of soul aspects as they change, allowing you to access higher dimensional
information than what you’re currently accessing, including angelic (6D) aspects and even deities/ascended masters (7D) along with members of the galactic federation (more on that later).
Remember, your soul aspects will be drawn from over-souls that already have a number of recursions playing out: you are a recursion of that over-soul aspect
yourself, as opposed to being the main soul identity that you currently think or thought that you are.  In a sense, you may be living many lifetimes at the same moment in the energy continuum, and each vibrational shift resonates across all your lives.  By healing and raising vibration now, you are also healing your past and future selves.  The most important aspect to keep in mind as you learn and adjust through the shift is your personal empowerment. (don’t give away your power to those that would use it against you or squander it).
We continually have choice about what knowledge we choose to digest or discard, and we have the ability to adjust our perception of events or external stimulus in order to change our understanding.  Any categories we apply to ourselves simply help us identify and enhance abilities that are inherent in us already.  We are the creators of our experience and our existence.

Roles of the light-worker
A light-worker does not need to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any other faith/religion.  In fact many light-workers explore multiple faiths, blending aspects into their own personal beliefs and rituals and discarding what does not resonate.  Most light-workers identify as spiritual beings more than religious beings. While the parable of Jesus provides a story-line that many can follow, the concepts presented here apply to people of any faith.  In order to understand the roles of the light-workers on the planet, you need to look at the names (labels) we’ve assigned to Jesus and God: the savior or redeemer, the creator and the messiah.
As we turn this hairpin bend of creation, we’ll add another or many moniker to that list, the unifier.  You can be a savior, creator, messiah and unifler.  One does NOT exclude the other, as you’ll see below.

Saviours, Redeemers & Empaths:
One of the key aspects Jesus Christ is noted for is forgiving the world’s sins – he released them through the act of crucifixion and resurrection.  Today, we call
that shifting, releasing and healing.  As an empath you pick up people’s energy, karma or stuff -whatever you want to call it – and shift it through your life,  releasing that energy the same way that Jesus released the energies of what couldn’t be shifted in the world in his time.  When you get down to the nuts and bolts of healing, basically all healing can be facilitated through forgiveness, so Jesus did a massive healing session on the world by forgiving everything, and then he released the effects of the shift through his our body.
This time around though, well the earth’s population has grown a bit. . . from 260 million to just shy of 8 billion.  That would be a lot of load for one person to
bear. . . I mean 260 million already killed Jesus!
So this time around there are lots of us and we each shift as much as we can.  The energies we shift through ourselves are then `cleaned up’, because we
always bounce back positively.  When we as light-workers go through negative life experiences and shifts, we don’t become bitter and angry or put more negativity into the morphic field.
In the physical world ‘God’ gives us (we give ourselves, as God is within us) the pain because we can shift it and then bounce back and still put good into the world.  As one of the saviors, you are correct in thinking that most normal people would die if they had to survive what you have.  It’s also why so many light-worker souls were sent into families and situations where there was abuse and sexual abuse of an extreme nature: your empathic ability allows you to survive that without perpetuating it to the next generation.  The SHIT stops here and no further, you cannot ascend if you carry the weight of the world on your back!
This saviour/empath mission is one of the biggest clean ups we’re doing on the planet energy wise.  This is also how your personal stuff matters to the global shift: as each individual raises their personal vibration, it makes it a little bit easier for everyone else to reach a higher level of consciousness.

Conscious Co-Creators:
In order to understand conscious co-creators, you must understand two things :
first that this 3D/4D reality is the highest point of separation and individuation we can know ourselves at.
In a nutshell:  we are `in the image of God’ because this is the closest we can get to`being’ God with our ego identity intact. We’re little mini-Gods but not this material body being the image of God but our inner essence is the image of God.
The second thing to understand is that the whole return of creation is now about working in unity with larger and larger groups of energy, because we’re beginning the process of remerging the energies into a collective: into ONE or ALL-that-is or UNITY.
As Creators we are here to create the new world of love and light so that it is ready for paradise on earth, by changing the morphic field of the planet.
We’re CREATING the new energy for the new world.  Right now there is so much dark on the planet because of people’s bad choices that we cannot support the energy of heaven on earth.  By making better decisions, and by not perpetuating the pain and trauma that has carried on down so many family lines, we are creating a new experience of life on earth, both for future generations and ourselves.

Unifiers & joiners
The new term that the new cosmic layer of information is introducing is unifiers or joiners.  We’re all unifiers and joiners, because we are here to implement the hairpin bend of creation to begin its journey back to source or ALL-that-is or Source. Up until this point, the whole of creation has been about breaking the God energy that everything is made of into smaller and smaller pieces.  Even your thoughts break that energy down into smaller pieces, because even your thoughts are made of the same God stuff.  This also why you feel whole after you have reintegrated an idea, had an awareness or accepted something about yourself you’d previously rejected: the moment you own the thought, you reconcile that piece of the energy of creation into yourself.  While you reject any thought you hold that part of creation away from you, and you are unable to utilize the energy of that element because it is separated from you.
The same applies to thoughts held by `my brother’; thoughts and ideas we’re conflicted about accepting sometimes. According to A Course In Miracles, we
have to `love my brother and all his creations’ in order to return ALL the energy that has been broken into smaller pieces back into ALL-that-is.
You already know this on some level, which is why you always feel bad when you reject someone else’s ideas or have to reject the person in any way.  It’s also
why rejection is such a heavy burden for us to bear: we know that we have to love EVERYTHING in order to return to Source.  Of course the hardest part of this activity is our reaction to polarity and duality. For almost every belief or opinion that you might hold, there is always someone whose ideas conflict.
We tend to find solace in those with common beliefs; we tend to argue with those who tend to think differently. Remain aware that some debates may never be
In fact, it’s important that those points aren’t always resolved, because they offer you a very useful tool that enables you to conceptualize new abilities.
Those that are more firmly dedicated to this particular aspect than anything else are going to find their clue in a strange place: children.
Having children is a direct polarity of unification, and as a result many of the strong non-unifiers are very anti-children, against having children and against
other people having children, or simply did not procreate in this lifetime.

The Messiah Collective:
Like no one single person could carry the whole load of redemption for the planet, the collective and unification nature of the shift dictates that the ‘messiahs’ form a collective.  The tendency to seek one messiah to change our world belongs to the old hierarchical structure and stems from the concept of imbalance and inequality – the idea that any one person can be more important than any other.  Instead of looking for a leader to guide us to higher elevation, what if we all
became leaders and did it ourselves? Rather than seeking followers, what if we choose to empower everyone? The strength of ONEness and Unity comes from our ability to each contribute to the whole, (We are the masters of our own destruction and of our own salvation).
In religious texts, many speak of the need to speak in tongues.  What this means is to speak to man in his own tongue, i.e. on a level that he can understand.  The
distortion made it to tongues and then we got separated from each other.

The Twin Flame Mission:
The Twin Flame Mission is another really interesting clean up mission that’s taking place.  In order to understand it, it helps to understand what twin flames and soulmates actually are: a soulmate is a soul identity created for you, as a mirror of your own true being both as complementary sides of each other, while a twin flame is a soul that has split into identical twins extrapolating opposites to experience the growth from the extra-polarity of oneself in another body.
These identical twin souls contain polarities, like a yin yang: black, white; male, female; reflector, reflected, and when they come together in a lifetime and
reconcile one of those polarities, they release one of the greatest creative powers in the universe (zero point energy) – because twin flames are a recursion of the
original act of creation.  Destruction for construction. Old endings and new beginnings. Twin flames on this planet have been chosen because they have massive karma – the karma combines with the zero point burst to grow the volume of energy released exponentially. This absolutely neutral energy is being released in bursts to restore the energetic imbalance on the planet cumulatively over time.

Soulmates could come after twin flames. This is the challenge for many, to learn to let go, to let in.  Soulmates bring the perfect balance when all the challenges for your soul had been overcome on the solitary and your journey will be now experienced as a life team with the best complement of your soul. The one whom creates with you a constant toroid of high vibrations.  The one who you have been happy with in many other past lifetimes.
As many as 70% of the light-workers are twin flames and there ARE backups.
You do NOT only have one twin flame you can pair with – the cleanup is too important.  So if your flame has ended, buckle up: the next one is on its way.
Twin flames are not always romantic relationships, and can be friends and family members too.
Throughout our lives souls come together to support, love and accelerate growth in ways other than sexual union, and sometimes souls come together to
antagonize and create reason for change.  Soul contracts can be lifelong affairs or brief encounters, and people can have a major impact on each other even
though they only meet once.

In our personal lives
In our personal lives we’re reconciling the major energies that the world needs to reconcile for the shift to go through.
Those energies include attachment, power, control, force, privacy, honesty, loneliness, free will, consent, equality, inequality, imbalance, balance,
impermanence and immortality.  Every single decision you make at in these areas of your life right now is contributing to the global energy in the morphic field, and this is how we are creating the new world order.
Every issue you are resolving in your life is a small recursion, or piece of the energy, of the creation story that helps turn the planet back towards the light.
It is vitally important that you are making personal decisions that create the kind  of world you want to live in going forward, because it is the energy we’re
creating inside of us that is shaping our future. Light-work begins within.

The Light-worker Vision, Mission & Purpose:
Our vision is what we want to create in the end, our mission is how we go about creating the vision, and our purpose is the day-to-day stuff we do to achieve our
mission.  Our Vision is to create heaven on earth.  Since everyone has a different idea of what heaven represents, we combine our efforts to create a world where
everyone has the freedom to lean, grow, experience and feel love and joy.  A world where every soul has the free will to make the decisions that best serve their growth, and what they are here to contribute to the collective.  Our Mission is to facilitate the return of God by returning the planet and its people to light and love.  God has not left, we are just ignoring Her: when we connect to higher forces, we also connect to the greater life force around us. As we grow we glow.
Our Purpose is to overcome ego identifications and dark forces by improving our energies until we create an impenetrable grid of love and light around the
planet.  This will enable God to return and create heaven on earth.
It is important to recognize that God is not a separate entity who has gone away and might return.  Instead, God is an acceleration of life force within each of us.
Like drops in the ocean, we are all part of God, and God is part of all of us and ultimately, the responsibility of creating heaven lies with us.
We are the ones who can make constructive choices in the physical world.  If we wait for some greater force to change it for us, our expectations may not
be met.  Historically mankind has always looked to a higher being in times of trouble and stress, without realising they are the higher being, great deeds are not done by great people, but achieved by who ever was there and grasped the nettle and just did it!  Step forth with your power, increase your glow, help others increase their glow and create heaven on earth by being in your highest possible vibration.

The fronts:
The main light-worker fronts are really about issues to do with how our part of creation was made: under the energies of force, control, non-consent, inequality
and imbalance. There are families of consciousness that cluster together based upon evolution, intent, and a particular plan.  The Family of Light, to which you belong, comes from such a lineage of consciousness.  Who are light?  Who owns light?  What is beyond light? Feel this for a few moments and realize that in your human minds you always make a myth, a little story, or a fairy tale about what you think is going on in the cosmos.  Your version is minuscule in light of what exists, so we are asking you to consider colossal changes to your stories and imagine bigger versions of existence.
The Family of Light is a collection of entities coded to bring information to this planet.  The coding is inside each individual.  Once you are able to question and
see beyond the current interpretation of reality, you are guided to create thought forms to fire the coding in others.  We are one group of energies igniting human codes of consciousness at a certain point of planetary development.  This process will evolve as you evolve, and there will be a tremendous amount of instruction involving untold teachers who will emerge to assist you.
The Family of Light is vast.  Its members gather wherever information needs to be disseminated; they are like renegade special forces, called on in an emergency. Members of the Family of Light are able to integrate and survive reality shifts without destroying the bodies or life forces they occupy.  As a member of the Family of Light, the ability to change reality exists innately inside you.  You must create the belief system whereby you can do this, because your mind is structured to evolve and form your experience based on what you command, no matter what paradigm-platform you spring from.
The Family of Light acts as a stabilizing factor for dimensional shifts, and its members serve as carriers of a frequency being used to awaken many.  Some of
you will be frightened of the possibilities and that is OK.  Each of you will take the new knowledge and changes as far as you are able.  You are coded with this
possibility, and deciding to go for change or not is your free-will choice. Whether you think you can do it or not is based on your own free will.  The initiation process that has taken place on Earth in many of the mystery schools over the last several thousand years exemplifies our point.  Members of the Family of Light have pushed themselves past the laws of third-dimensional reality-through to another dimension, so to speak-by uncovering the coding inside themselves.
So important fronts for light-workers are those where these energies play out:
Inequality with genders, races, social classes, religions Imbalance of resources with greed and the 99%, poverty, debt, the economy, withholding of resources such as cannabis and hemp being made illegal for example, or a border free world so people can move freely, force and non-consent – rape and power abuse issues, politics, control – slavery and human trafficking, the mass level hypnotism and slavery of the general public through TV & the media, and survival issues, animals and animal rights, All lives matter!  Assistance to those with issues that impede personal growth, providing every individual with empowerment and self-esteem.  A shift from a society that encourages continuous growth and production (despite the negative impact of this philosophy) and instead focuses on creating a harmonious balance of life on our planet. One not driven by wealth and greed but one driven by mutual appreciation and respect for all life and all things.  Often we can see what we want because we first see what we don’t want. Without this gift of contrast, it would be infinitely more difficult for us to make
leaps of awareness to concepts that we didn’t previously know existed.
While your comfort in your own beliefs is important, we grow by looking beyond conflicting beliefs to love the soul of the person presenting them.  They
are helping you define more clearly what you want for yourself, and perhaps providing you with additional perspectives.
Simply by being here on the light-worker mission you are part of the hairpin bend of creation.

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