Mike Way Holistic Therapist

Mike Way

Holistic Therapist

Mike Way is an accomplished Holistic Therapist, having been working with light-touch body work and energy based hands-on healing therapies for many years.

Providing relief and structural realignment to: Professional and Amateur Sports Men and Women,  Builders, Labourers, Scaffolders, Carpenters, Ground Workers, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Surgeons, Police, Fire Fighters, Ambulance, Paramedics, Drivers,  Electricians,  Farmers,  Plasteres,  Painters and Decorators,  Plumbers, Farm Workers, Agricultural Contractors, Children and just about every other walk of life.

Working within a professional code of ethics and conduct Mike is Enhanced DBS/ checked for working with vulnerable adults and children.

MUHET is Mike’s signature treatment being a unique comprehensive therapy offering a combination of gentle but firm massage, gentle manipulation in the form of muscular-skeletal re-education combined with energy based hands-on healing.

Courses and Meditations

I am providing, via zoom, a series of Meditation/Spiritual Development Evenings.

These evenings are an open forum starting at 7:30pm in the evening for approximately 1.5 hours. We will be covering a number of topics.


Treatments are available at various locations.

In Light of the - Corona Virus 'SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19 disease and its numerous variants' it has been necessary to update the protocols.

Courses and Meditations



As of 1st January 2024 my prices have in most cases increased by £5.00 per therapy. 2024 prices (£**.00).

All treatments must be booked before arrival.


Please be advised that unless directed otherwise by the Government, my Governing Bodies or Insurers.

I will be continuing to provide treatments (Critical Care Provider and Key Worker Status).





With the help of Mike Way

Mike undertakes a stringent sanitisation regime.

In the treatment room we utilise – combined Ultra Violet-C Air Steriliser Lamps, Ionising HEPA and Activated Charcoal Filtered Air Purifiers to maintain a safe working environment.

Surgical Face Masks, Surgical Visors and Examination Gloves are available if required, to ensure your safety along with that of the therapist.

I am operating a one in one out procedure as much as possible: If you arrive prior to your appointment time I may not be able to provide waiting room facilities for you. Sanitisation wipes and  Non-Contact Hand Sanitizer, along with UV-C Sterilisation.

PPE products are available on request.  Door Knobs/Handles/Buzzers and Bell Buttons, Chair Arm Rests, Handrails, Taps, Toilets and Kitchen facilities will be cleaned and sanitised throughout the day to ensure the safest environment possible for clients.