Courses & Meditations

Meditations and Spiritual Development Workshops:

I am providing, via zoom, a series of Meditation/Spiritual Development Evenings:

These evenings are an open forum starting at 7:30pm in the evening for approximately 1.5 hours.  We will be covering a number of topics including:

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dimensions are Length, Width and Depth the basis for our three dimensional existance.
  • 3rd Dimension:  The level where most humans live.
  • 4th Dimension:  The level of spirit usually associated with Clairvoyance, Mediumship and Spirituality.
  • 5th Dimension:  First of the Ascended (true spiritual) Levels, the Ascended Earth level.
  • 6th Dimension:  Archangels and Angelic Realm.
  • 7th Dimension:  Ascended Master and Galactic Federation Realm.
  • 8th Dimension:  First of the Ascendant ‘God Conscious’ and Higher Galactic Federation, the level where you become one with source, whilst maintaining you individuality, cocooned in a gossima thin energy bubble.
  • 9th Dimension:  Second of the Ascendant ‘God Conscious’ and Higher ascended Galactic Federation, the level where you become one with source, whilst maintaining you individuality, cocooned in a gossima thin energy bubble.
  • 10th Dimension:  The Source ‘God Conscious’ Level, where you become one with source, the conscious link to all sentient beings throughout all time and space throughout the entire Universe.
  • 11th Dimension: The Universal Overseers realm.
  • Working with Life Force Energy; Intention and manifestation.
  • Visiting Past Lives for a look see.
  • Visiting the Ascended Council Chamber, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Members of the Galactic Federation.
  • Visiting your Home Planet and Meeting with your Star Families.
  • Journey to the Command and Control Ship (The Andromeda Ascendant) in orbit around the Earth; claimed by the Arcturians, Plaiadians, Ashtar Command and others, but belonging to none but belonging to all.
  • Journey to the Temple of Astala, a temple available to all beings in the universe who can visit it, home of the Universal Library, stellar cartography, meditation facilities, individual chambers for all inhabitants.

These sessions will be conducted on Zoom; invitations to join the events will be sent by email, if you have people who would benefit from joining in, let me know.

Participation will be controlled by the host (me), I tend to mute microphones unless people indicate that they wish to contribute, usually by raising a hand, it just cuts out all the background noise, we have feedback sessions during the evening to ensure that people get the most out of the time.

There will be a nominal charge of £5.00 per session, (however this is discretionary as I know some people are up against it currently) I can supply bank details for bank transfers.

See Resources Tab for further information:

Courses are available in the following therapies:

  • Reiki
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Hopi Ear Candle
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Holistic Massage

Currently due to commitments on treatments I are not in a position to run the above courses.

However should you have an interest please do not hesitate in contacting me and we will see what we can arrange.

07876 567459

07876 567459

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