Emerald Green Ray
The Emerald Green Ray of the Divine Flame of Healing, Precipitation and Abundance is amplified.
Focus on the energies of divine healing in all aspects of your life. This is a balancing and soothing energy that will help you to align the many distortions you have created in your lives. Invoke and visualize this radiant green liquid healing light blazing through all areas where transformation is needed. The Green Ray also governs the laws of abundance and prosperity. Also invoke the emerald green Flame to pave the way for the manifestation and precipitation of all your physical and spiritual desires.
Invocations to the Fifth Ray
Emerald Green Flame of Healing
Healing Through ‘Releasing Negative Energies
I am a Master of Divine Expression. I now release all separation and limitations that no longer serve my path of Light. I release all vows of poverty and limitations that I ever made in this and past incarnations. I release all imprints, implants, negative thought forms, black magic spells and curses, negative patterns of the human ego, illness and disease patterns and all energies that no longer serve my path of Light.
By the intervention of Divine Grace, with my full intent, I choose to release all energies of separation, limitations and all blockages back to the Universe. I ask for these energies be purified and transformed into the highest form of Light.”
I invoke the assistance of the Angelic Realms, Master Hilarion, Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael, my Monad and all Ascended Masters to release from my being and world, all levels of energies that are less than my Divine Blueprint of Perfection and my Eternal Victory in the Light through my Ascension. And so be it, beloved I AM!